A request for God’s intervention.
On of the reasons why God didn’t intervene when we were expecting it, was that He wasn’t asked to do it.
The content of most of contemporary prayers inspired by immaterial astral beings is only ash which covers the truth. The question you have to answer yourself is what exact changes happened in lives of people who pray with Hindi songs, Tibetan mantras, prayer wheels or Hail Mary. We have the right ask for God’s positive intervention without suggesting any solutions – it would be an extortion. We have the right ask for God’s intervention always and everywhere. You can ask for it always when You want, without fear that Got will get tired, bored, or that He is busy or He doesn’t want to intervene. Don’t be afraid that You will be an intruder, and even if you are, then you won’t feel it because you will easier see the results of the changes you’ve been granted.
God please open my heart and my Soul now.
God, I’m asking You now for Your divine intervention concerning my underpayment which which my own Soul organizes for me every month. God, I’m asking Your for a noticeable, safe and fast increase of my legal income.
God, I’m asking You now for Your divine intervention concerning my motherhood, parenthood…
God, I’m asking You now for Your divine intervention concerning cassation of astral and mental programs which are harmful for me, for my Soul and for other beings.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. Original article: Link
Opublikowano: 12/10/2016
Autor: s_majda