God, please open my heart together with its core and please open also my Soul and her gold matrix.
Please God, guide my Soul out from material and astral worlds.
Please God, guide my Soul out, guide my conscious mind out of material and astral worlds and lead there where You can use us the best, the most effective.
Please God, free my Soul from material and astral worlds once and for all.
Please God, free my own Soul from presence and from actions in material and astral worlds.
Please God, use my own conscious mind and my own Soul in a perfect way, also beyond the material and astral worlds.
God, I have given me and my own Soul at Your disposal, so that You send us to worlds more valuable than material or astral worlds.
God, I have given me and my own Soul at Your disposal, so that You send us to actions which are in accordance with Your divine plan for us.
Together with my own Soul we have submitted to God’s will in all material and astral worlds and in the perfect, the hightest, the lightest world of God.
God, I have given me and my Soul at Your disposal in all material and astral worlds and in the perfect, the hightest, the lightest world of God.
God, I have given me and my Soul at Your disposal so that You send us to actions in such areas of Your Universe which are neither material nor astral.
God, I have given me and my Soul at Your disposal so that You send us to actions which are more valuable that these ones which are realized in material or astral worlds.
God, I am grateful to You that You have and You are realizing the plan of guiding my own Soul and my conscious mind out of the material and astral worlds.
God, I have given me and my Soul at Your disposal so that You send us to actions in such areas of Your Universe which are not and will not be this what my Soul and all her avatars have already experienced in the material and astral worlds in all my Soul’s incarnations, because of her rebellion and because she forgot about God.
God, I am grateful to You that You have a place for my own Soul and for my conscious mind directly near You, beyond the material and astral worlds.
I together with my own Soul, through our united actions, want to realize God’s plan for us.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. Original article: Link
Opublikowano: 08/12/2017
Autor: s_majda