Beam of Divine Light over Our Heads
Co-authors Mirka & Sai.
“I love this beam of divine light over me. I hope it will last a long time, preferably as long as possible.”
In divining spiritual progress analysis, it is claimed that by using divining measurements we can ascertain whether a person already has some level of divinity and in certain cases, we might even find out that someone is a sphere of light. We should also try to determine whether or not this is divining illusion or researcher delusion.
Let”s see how a person’s energy looks above the head on the chakra channel. Let”s see what”s going on in someone”s heart during prayer, and whether or not the divine light flows through his chakra channel.
People and souls with mage karma can beguile and create not only such divining illusions.
The most common example of an illusion is an abundance of artificial rose-color and artificial gold color in people who have not yet released the soldier killer karma. They live alone or in celibacy. In order to attract the faithful they beguile others and it is evident that behind the miracles of their Spirit, there is no beam of divine light. These miracles come from an individual’s Ego and they digest the kidneys which are glowing red.
An effective prayer is when a person prays for himself or others without giving anyone any of his energy. Those who we pray for always get something when the response appears in the form of a beam of divine light over their heads.
The beam of divine light does not usually remain continuously over the individual’s head.
-Sometimes we can only see it during prayer, or as an upcoming fulfillment.
– It can appear during a spontaneous revelation for those in need of divine inspiration.
-During the healing of intentions, giving them to God.
-Over persons protected by God for example, during car accidents. It is divine protection, but also a blessing. I have experienced this myself.
-God, knowing that a soul needs to know a deeper truth about its nature for example, when it is lost completely, answers to the deepest cry of the soul, the cry for help.
-During spontaneous awakening of the soul to God – but only golden light flows at this time, not a purple or white flashes as idolaters believe. The divine light removes the white and purple then and a poor clairvoyant sees only these colors in his energies, not the color of divine light. Therefore he understands and associates these colors with enlightenment, but unfortunately they are not divine.
-although the pictures of the saints display a golden glow around them, people believe that it is impossible to achieve that state.
– The emerging beam of light is a divine answer to our prayer, it is protection, mercy, care, guidance for all people and their souls.
The beam of divine light is probably one of the few appearances that you cannot affirm, but it is also one which appears as a result of hard spiritual work.
Translation by Bartek Marciniak
Opublikowano: 29/09/2012
Autor: s_majda