Black energies. A liberating prayer.
These are fragments of one of many texts about liberating yourself from blackness which Soul coded in herself, in her avatars and in other people.
Please God, now open my heart, Soul, my entire being and let there be the day of faith.
I am grateful to You, God that You have decoded and erased from our energies from me, from my Soul and from our entire being all patterns, intentions, codings, missions, and all burdens connected with them, which refer to, among others, sustaining, coding, creating, initiating to us and to others and in us and in other beings, Souls and people various kinds of blacknesses, defilements, blockades, limitations connected with them.
I am grateful to You, God that You have decoded and erased from our energies from me, from my Soul and from our entire being all patterns, intentions, codings, missions, and all burdens connected with them, which refer to, among others, sustaining, coding, creating, initiating to us and to others and in us and in other beings, Souls and people various kinds of blacknesses, defilements, blockades, limitations connected with them that block the wings of my Soul and their auric bodies.
I am grateful to You, God that You have decoded and erased from our energies from me, from my Soul and from our entire being all patterns, intentions, codings, missions, and all burdens connected with them, which refer to, among others, sustaining, coding, creating, initiating to us and to others and in us and in other beings, Souls and people various kinds of blacknesses, defilements, blockades, limitations connected with them that come from alien energetic and material civilisations.
I am grateful to You, God that You have decoded and erased from our energies from me, from my Soul and from our entire being all patterns, intentions, codings, missions, and all burdens connected with them, which refer to, among others, sustaining, coding, creating, initiating to us and to others and in us and in other beings, Souls and people various kinds of blacknesses, defilements, blockades, limitations connected with them that come from the results of being a prostitute, a pimp a brothel mum.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. Original article: Link
Opublikowano: 21/11/2016
Autor: s_majda