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A Prayer Different From All Others

Brighter than thousands of suns

I”m looking for person who can translate several of my prayers (for example Asiatic languages, not necessarily English)

This prayer probably will not be very appreciated by the readers, I think. It works immediately, but will show its results after some time. Not everybody wants to wait. As the first person, my friend read it and a red energy went through his fingers. The text burns me, he said. I, Slavomir, received this energy flow as heart energy permeating to his palms.
I found once a description of a eastern character, who shone brighter than thousands of suns. Why not? The consciousness of Christ spreads over the entire planet Earth. The Soul of Jesus is aware of everything which is happening on Earth, he has also some influence on various events. How do his chakras look like, how big they are, if the circumference of equator is 40 000 kilometres. What is the end of his Soul development, what is the end of development of my and your Soul?
Buddha remembered many of his past earthly incarnations. He was a king, a soldier, a commander, a priest, he was also a prostitute. These are commonly known facts. When he was living on Earth in his last incarnation, his chakras had diameter of a few metres. How many metres do they have now, after 2400 years? How big is his potential of development? Few more metres? A kilometre? Diameter of Saturn, Sun maybe? I do not know it yet.

Brighter than thousands of suns

I have accepted that brighter than thousands of suns shines and glows God’s Love in my own Heart.
I am glad that brighter than thousands of suns shines and glows God’s Love in my own over ground and underground chakras and in my entire chakra canal.
It is beautiful that brighter than thousands of suns shines and glows God’s Love in both brain halves of my own brain. I accept that brighter than thousands of suns shines and glows God’s Love and expresses itself through my own angelic wings.
I have accepted that Soul of mine, that the whole my being can always and everywhere express God’s Love and all Divine energies which are brighter than thousands of suns. It makes me happy that brighter than thousands of suns shines and glows God’s Love in all of my main chakras, side chakras, in all of my endocrine glands.
I have elevated the presence of God Creative Force over the lights of all the suns in the Universe, with no care for the jealous or those, who mined. I express God’s Love, Divine energies brighter than thousands of suns through all of my past wounds, through all remains of the past wounds of heart, body, mind and Spirit.
I have accepted that Soul of mine, that my entire being can always and everywhere express God’s health, Divine joy, God’s bliss and all Divine energies, which are brighter than thousands of suns.
I have accepted that brighter than thousands of suns shines and glows God’s Love in my auric bodies of my angelic wings.
It is beautiful that brighter than thousands of suns shines and glows God’s Love in my physical body, in my atoms in each body cell of mine, in each organ of my organism. It is beautiful that brighter than thousands of suns shines and glows God’s Love in the seat of my Soul, in my entire Soul. I accept that brighter than thousands of suns shines and glows God’s Love, expressing itself through all of my pure and righteous deeds, all my thoughts, all my words.
Liberated from all the past, free from the entire karmic load, I express Divine energies, God’s Love brighter than thousands of suns.
I let God’s Love, Divine Light express itself inside me and through me brighter than thousands of suns.
Liberated from the relationships with living gods, astral gods, archangels, half-gods, assurs I express God’s Love, Divine energies brighter than thousands of suns. Among all the beings equal to me, always and everywhere, I express God’s Love, Divine energies brighter than thousands of suns. Always and everywhere, I accept God’s will by expressing God’s Love, Divine energies which are brighter than thousands of suns. I have accepted that brighter than thousands of suns shines and glows God’s Love in all my auric bodies and in all auric coats.
I execute with joy God’s plan for me, expressing God’s Love, Divine energies brighter than thousands of suns. I allow all my chakras, healed with God’s Love, to glow and shine brighter than thousands of suns.
Liberated form pressure from all, who propagate that God does not exist, from pressure of satan’s admirers, I always express God’s Love, Divine energies brighter than thousands of suns. It is beautiful that brighter than thousands of suns shines and glows God’s Love in all the rays of my light. By expressing God’s Love, Divine energies brighter than thousands of suns, better and more efficiently I can direct light to the Soul catchers, Soul trap creators and the humans.

fragments of the text

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Opublikowano: 16/10/2008
Autor: s_majda


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