Cleansing the third eye. A prayer.
Please God, now open my heart and my Soul.
Please God, now purify all my and my Soul’s intenctions and motives of having an open and clean third eye.
My and my Souls motives and intentios referring to my third eye are always constructive, non-egoistic, not selfish, free from harming myself or other beings.
Please God the Creative Power of Love, now cleanse all my intentions which refer to having innocent and pure clairvoyancing.
I am free from results of other beings manipulations directed at my third eye.
I have forgiven myself that in the past I was irresponsible, immature and foolish and that it affected and blocked my third eye chakra.
I have forgiven myself that I preferred to get wasted, to abuse drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, to be unconscious and that it affected and blocked my third eye chakra.
I have forgiven myself that I could never find any time, that I was too undecided, distracted and unsure, and that it affected and blocked my third eye chakra.
I have already commended to God all my and my Soul’s intentions, habits, needs and reason of being unconscious, doped by drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, herbs, medicine, food – in various hypnotic trances, in various hypntoic trances of unconsiousness, trances of fight, and that it affected and blocked my third eye chakra.
I have already commended to God the Creative Power of Love all my hypnoses of serving the collective mind and serving astral beings – hypnoses which are coded, written in and put on my third eye.
I have already commended to God all hypnotic blockades from my third eye.
I have already commended to God the Creative Power of Love all blockades and hypnoses that come from archangles which are coded, written in and put on my third eye.
The whole area of my third eye always shines with God’s Light and with God’s colors.
I am free from blocking in myself the flow of God’s Light through my third eye.
I accept that all connections of my third eye with my pitiutiary gland, pineal gland and kundalini are filled with God’s Light.
I accept that, when my third eye opens then God’s Lightness always flows through all my third eye’s connections with all my endocrine glands.
I thank You God that You have liberated me and my Soul from all my and my Soul’s intentions, habits, needs and reasons of unconsciousenss, insesitivenss, lack of feeling, abusing drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, herbs, medicine and food which in hte past affected and blocked my third eye chakra.
Written by Marzena P.
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected] If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. Ooriginal article: Link
Opublikowano: 30/11/2016
Autor: s_majda