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A Prayer Different From All Others

Deficits of internal light. A Liberating prayer.

 Deficits of internal light. A Liberating prayer.

Please God, open my heart now.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of my own light.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of my own light in me and in my Soul.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my kidneys, in my liver, in my gall blader.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my 5 overhead chakras, in my 7 main chakras, in my 9 chakras below my feet.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my bones, joints, tendons and in my spine.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my health.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my whole being.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my 7 endocrine glands.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my house and in my garden.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in chakras in my hands and in chakras in my feet.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my relations with other people and with their Souls.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my professional work, in my workplace and there where I earn money.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in all my minor chakras and all my acupuncture points.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my body tissues, organs and muscles.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my intentions, habits, needs.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my way of earning money, gathering money and goods.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my kundalini and in my 12 strands of DNA, RNA.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my heart , in my heart chakra, in my thymus, in my small intestine and in my large intestine.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my own bedroom.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in the left and right hemisphere of my brain and cerebellum, in my whole nervous system.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in blood system, in my urogenital system, digestive system from my mouth to the anus.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my relations with my wife (husband) children, parents, relatives.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright light which I have never received from my parents and from the being which I once truly loved.

Please God, fill this void, these lacks, with Your proper God’s Light.

I have given to You God of My Heart all of my internal and external deficits of bright Light of God in my angelic wings and in their 6 auric bodies.

God the Creative Power please take over, absorb all my internal deficits of bright Light which I still have with me now, and those which are expressed by my Soul.

Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]


Opublikowano: 06/09/2016
Autor: s_majda


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