Earth is full of God’s goodness. A prayer.
Earth is full of God’s goodness, and I wilfully join it, I fine-tune with it together with my Soul.
Our whole being is always full of God’s goodness, which is also shared with everyone.
I see God’s goodness, expressed in human agglomerations, in anthills and among clouds, and this goodness leads as all to the light.
The whole Earth if full of God’s goodness and not only it.
Not only Earth is full of God’s goodness and mercy.
Earth and the whole universe are always full of God’s goodness, equally available for all people, Souls, beings, entities, creations, as well as for me and my family.
God, You wobbled and easily destroyed the pillars of various astral heavens, pointing not at deities, but at God as the beginning and the goal of our whole existence.
After all, each Earth, and each world are always full of God’s goodness.
With no limitations, together with my Soul we give our goodness, our kindness and love to us ourselves and to all those who are willing.
We accept that in our whole existence everything and everywhere happens only at God’s responsibility, with God’s permission and knowledge.
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
Opublikowano: 05/09/2016
Autor: s_majda