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A Prayer Different From All Others

Energetic manacles and handcuffs on hands and feet.

In the movie “Naked gun” there’s a scene in which lieutenant Drebin retires after 30 years of the police service. He puts on the table one by one: his gun, his police badge, handcuffs. He takes the handcuffs straight away saynig: “My wife asked me to keep them, she got used to them”.
The astral net was intended by its creators to catch Souls and hold them captive en masse. It is based on a strong energetic transfer and on the idea that there’s no God. Therefore, those Souls think that they can do what they want on Earth. The basic and the easiest way of incarcerating single beings is to put some energetic handcuffs or various manacles, ropes on their hands, feet or wings.
It is so common, that we can straight away tell people “take your handcuffs off”. I had all kinds of manacles, handcuffs, ropes etc. as well as a more sohisticated gadged – bear snares. To be exact – my Soul had them.
While you will be becoming free from such enslavements, you may gradually find out similar bonds. Their number can be significant, and if you find something now, it doesn’t necessarily mean that Your Soul doesn’t keep other ones deeper in the older layers of her memory.
The same can be said about the neck. Some people have ropes tied around their necks. We should get rid of them just in case.
We can:
-commend all handcuffs, manacles, ropes, snares kept by the Soul to God.
-entrust to God’s care yourself in relation with those who put such bonds on us.
-each Soul who put bonds on a different being, remembers it perfectly, she knows the number of her slaves, and she knows what kind of beings they are.
Becoming free from a custody of a different Soul may lead to arguments and quarrels between Souls (and people).
I was suprised to see jaundice of one Soul while she was watching me become free from her enslavement. Earlier I thought that this being was friendly to me.
Ask God for His judgmenet Link between your Soul and all those who put such bonds on her in the past.
Ask God for His judgmenent regarding your own Soul and all those, on whom your Soul or her avatars put such bonds in the past.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
original article: Link

Opublikowano: 28/09/2016
Autor: s_majda


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