Fairy-tale homosexuals; hobbits, dwarves, gnomes etc.
Fairy-tale worlds are full of stories about homosexuality, which is hidden by adding the fairy-tale characters various, unusual or strange features, which show that they come from different worlds, and because of that, they behave totally differently. Fairy-tale characters are reduced in their size. They become various halflings, living on the margin of society, hiding themselves and their actions from people’s eyes. Homosexuals, similarly to hobbit`s, life hidden lives which others nothing about.
In the 20th century this otherness was strongly pointed out by R. Tolkien in his stories about Middle-earth. Not only in his stories, loneliness is a common feature of small, similar-to-each-other, and often hideous characters.
Let’s pay attention to the fact that in the majority of myths and stories, these little heroes have no wives or children. Very rarely there are married dwarves or gnomes in stories of modern days authors. Similarly to witches and to women who look like witches, they live in unknown-in-nature celibacy, and they live such lives in groups which in a way resemble homosexual societies.
A common feature of these fairy-tale bearded men is that they avoid women and that have no children (similarly to witches who also avoid men, giving birth and having children). There are no stories about a witch who has happy family, who finds sexual fulfillment and who derives joy from that. These matters tend to be forgotten by adepts of various courses in changing your fate by means of magic.
The Janissaries – Turkish elite infantry units – are an example of pure-male groups in the history of homosexuality. Another example is a hellenistic holy Theban Legion. A fairy-tale group of 7 dwarves with no sexual experiences as visited by Snow White, whom they treated as a cook and cleaning lady.
Please remember that group homosexuality was promoted not only in past armies. It was also promoted as asceticism in some religions started by single men, to gather together other single men.
Dwarves in fairy tales, just like gays in the material world, do not procreate, but despite this fact, they always exist. Nobody knows where they come from and what the motives of their choices are. In some fairy tales you can read that they hatch from eggs.
In his Discworld, Terry Pratchett wondered how it is with those bearded, heavily armored dwarves, who love their women with beards and moustaches. He wrote that “Dwarves can easily determine gender of other dwarves”. Similarly, in gay society, one can notice from afar, the one who is passive (acts as a woman), and the one who is active in sex, despite the fact that they both have beards and moustache and that they are of the same sex.
People who do not belong to such society, usually find these men to have nothing to do with homosexuality. Few adults, and none of children connect these ideas together. Especially when they put chubby characters with colourful hats in their gardens.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
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Opublikowano: 31/01/2017
Autor: s_majda