God, I am worthy that You… A prayer.
It is recommended to repeat this prayer in a temple, because we were coded that we are not worthy in such places.
God, I am worthy that You come to me.
God, I am worthy that You come to me and opened my heart.
God, I am worthy that You come to me and healed me and my Soul with Your single word.
God, I am worthy to be always sober, conscious and to make always sober and conscious decisions.
God, I am worthy to embody all Your divine wishes and expectations.
God, I am worthy that You make me and my Soul an embodiment of Your Love.
God, I am worthy to have the best mutual contact with You and with my own Soul.
God, I am worthy to love people and to be loved.
God, I am worthy that You open all the gates of heavens for me and for my Soul.
God, I am worthy to be healthy, to have a healthy, vital body and pure energies.
God, I am worthy to live in a beautiful house which is mine and which I can afford.
God, I am worthy to receive Love, to give Love in my marriage, in my family.
God, I am worthy to receive Love from my parents, siblings and children, and to give Love to all of them.
God, I am worthy that You come to me and I and my Soul will become healed.
God, I am worthy to express Love, joy of existence and God’s abundance in the best possible way.
God, I am worthy to own a top class brand new car.
God, I am worthy to experience pure, safe and innocent marital sex and marital Love.
God, I am worthy that You come to me and free me from the burden of my evil past.
God, I am worthy that You cleanse and heal all my chakras and my auric bodies.
God, I am worthy that You cleanse and heal my whole body, Soul, mind and personality.
God, I am worthy that You fill me with Your divine Love, with Your divine Light.
God, I am worthy to follow God’s plan for me to its end.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected] If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us.
Original article: Link
Opublikowano: 10/10/2016
Autor: s_majda