God in the last place.
Once I wasted some time on a discussion with a friend of mine who put God in the third place, just after the Bible and Jesus. I mentioned God in the first place, and he mentioned a book and a deceased person.
When we look around the world then we can see a picture where everything goes on without God. We can take a sightseeing trip to India, have some adventures with different kinds of gods, gods of different level and sex. The Creator is in the last place in the minds of such god’s followers. In Americas you can worship deities who are worshipped both these continents and who rule over them. In the followers of such deities God is always in the last place. You can celebrate the birth of a given deity in India or in the West, for example Holi when people celebrate the birth of Krishna, when people are sprayed with coloured powder. Again, in the minds of these people the Creator is in the last place. You can have a holiday with Jesus or with Holy Mary, or you can send your child to a summer camp with her. It’s enough to ask the participants of such events how much of their time they dedicate to the Creator. In Islam you can bow before every deceased person or pray to his Soul. Again, the Creator is in the last place.
Probably the Creator is in the last place in the mind of every soldier or prostitute. Where did the politicians who exhort to wars put God? Count how much time a random given priest of a random religious sect dedicates to God.
What is more important for Reiki practitioners than God? Their initiations and powers which they gain. In the whole Reiki nobody uses the word God.
What’s more important for a participant of most of religious meetings that take place around the world? Usually that’s a priest, sometimes archangels, sometimes the family of the deity they worship. And sometimes that’s they way this incarnated earthly deity lived, and sometimes how he or she died.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. Original article: Link
Opublikowano: 26/11/2016
Autor: s_majda