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A Prayer Different From All Others

God, teach me how to talk with You.

After I published the text entitled “Dixit Dominus” I received a request: “teach me how to talk with the Lightness”. Link I referred him to a proper place. I admit that I had some doubts if I should publish this text becaus of widely known channeling stories presented in Mr Walsh’s “Conversations with god” who in this case is not God but rather an astral being. We are not interested in such conversations. By the way I recommend a book by Mr Leszek Żądło: “Egzorcyzmy (Exorcisms)”.

God, please open my heart and my Soul now.
Please, teach me God how to talk with You innocently and safely.
Please, God teach me and my Soul how we should talk to You, how we should talk to the Lightness.
Please, God show me and my Soul what we should talk with You about, how we should talk to the Lightness.
Please, God teach me and my Soul what we should talk with You about and when we should talk with You.
Please, God teach me and my Soul how we can trustfyly talk with the Lightness.
Please, God teach me and my Soul how we should talk with the Lightness, without any astral influences, without any harmful attachments or codings.
Lightness, please teach us here on Earth how we should trustfully talk with God the Giver of Our Lives.
Please, God teach me and my Soul how we should transfer into our lives the effects of Your diving suggestions and how we should put them into practice.


Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]

If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. Original article:Link

Opublikowano: 21/11/2016
Autor: s_majda


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