I have commended to God all those who followed me.
God, please open my heart and my Soul now.
I have commended to God’s permanent protection all those who followed me.
God of all hearts, please
I have commended to God’s protection all those who followed me.
I have already commended to God and His permanent protection all those living gods, astral gods, deities, Asuras and gurus who followed me on our way to lightness but they didn’t get there because they got stuck in their own patterns of action.
I have commended to God and to His protection all my and my Soul’s armies that followed us fighting for lightness and fighting in other wars.
I have commended to God and to His protection all beings who are close to me, my friends who trustfully followed me on our way to lightness and all my enemies who silently walked on the same way.
I have commended to God and to His protection all beings who trustfully followed me through time and space and beyond time and space.
I have commended to God and to His protection all beings who on our way to lightness trustfully followed me through astral worlds, through illusion and delusions.
I have commended to God and to His protection all material beings who followed my Soul and her avatars.
I have commended to God and to His protection all beings who followed me through China, India, Egypt and through other earthly lands.
I have commended to God and to His protection all my slaves, all beings enslaved by my Soul, all beings that followed my Soul to God’s lightness.
I have commended to God and to His protection all beings who followed me through buddhism and idolatrous religions.
I have commended to God and to His protection all beings who followed me through suffering, through pain, poverty and resignations.
I have commended to God and to His protection all beings who followed me through alien material and energetic civilisations.
I have commended to God and to His protection all beings who walked to God and His light through my own heart, through my own words.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. Original article:Link
Opublikowano: 16/11/2016
Autor: s_majda