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A Prayer Different From All Others

In my heart there is always place for love. Affirmations.


Please God, now open my heart and my Soul.

In my heart there is always place for love, joy, happiness and mercy.

In my heart there is always place for love to my Soul and love to God.

In my heart there is always place for the whole love which God and other beings have for me.

In my heart there is always place for conscious love to my wife (my husband).

In my heart there is always place for love of my mother and father to me.

In my heart there is always place for my all my children.

In my heart there is always place for conscious love directed to (name, surname) and to his/her Soul.

In my heart there is always place for to planet Earth, to the Sun and to the whole Solar System.

In my heart there is always place for conscious love to my own country, to my own town/city.

In my heart there is always place for conscious love to other people and to their Souls.

In my heart there is always place for conscious love from …………. (name of the person).

In my heart there is always place for conscious love which I give myself.

In my heart there is NO place for living gods, archangels, deities, Asuras, gurus and their Souls, because in my heart there is place for love for them.

In my heart there is NO place for astral manipulators, to beings of the violet flame, to the group of Belial and their Souls, because in my heart there is place for love for them.

In my heart there is NO place for astral lizards, for astral snakes and other parasites, because in my heart there is place for love for them.

Written by Sławomir Majda

Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected] If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. Original article:Link


Opublikowano: 30/11/2016
Autor: s_majda


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