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A Prayer Different From All Others

Intentions of immigration and emigration

Author Ellie Addison

Usystematyzowane uwalnianie się od obciążeń- linki do tekstów, informacje o nagraniach, praca z intencjami, technika pokłonu >Link. 

Kwestie techniczne dotyczące idei oraz budowania zdań przy pracy z intencjami.
Art ,,800 intencji do oczyszczenia” Link
,,Budowanie obszernych Intencji i modlitw. Rozmowa Skype o technice ” Link 
,,Schemat 1 zdaniowy do intencji. ” Link
Słowo (–nie) dodane przy pracy z intencjami do jakiegoś słowa oznacza, że warto je wymienić jako przeciwieństwo lub a nawet samodzielnie już w trakcie znaleźć i wypowiedzieć dowolne synonimy jakie się nasuwają na myśl razem z ich przeciwieństwami. 
np. — bycia biedakami, chorymi dobrze jest powiedzieć również z jego przeciwieństwem
–bycia biedakami, chorymi, –nie bycia biedakami, chorymi. Pozwala to od razu maksymalnie szeroko ruszyć dany wzorzec w odmiennych aspektach, również w jego przeciwieństwie. Warto też wiedzieć- że Dusze często myślą, twierdzą, że one nie mają takich przeciwnych wzorców np. że nie są bałwochwalcami jak w danym przypadku (danym słowie).
Inny przykład:
Dusza kobiety zaprzecza byciu kiedyś złą matką. Więc dodanie tu słowa przeczenia – nie bycia złą matką pozwolić jej może na zrozumienie stanu w jakim się znajduje. 
Bycie złą matką, –nie bycia złą matką–
“-Ależ skąd nigdy w życiu! To przecież są nie moje wzorce. To co ja robię jest moją prywatną sprawą”.[-Nader często mówi lub myśli o sobie dusza].

1. Our, including someone else`s, taking our children against their will to foreign countries to experience better life, achieve better education, meet better friends and more, and experience all its consequences.
2. Our, including someone else`s registration, obtaining, possessing the status of an immigrant in foreign countries and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
3. Our, including someone else`s, immigration, emigration to foreign countries for the purpose of medical assistance, advanced medical technology, better medical care and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
4.Our, including someone else`s registration as an organ donor, incl. donation of body parts / organs / skin after recognition of clinical death, accidental death in the country in of emigration/immigration and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
5.Our, including someone else`s fathering children or getting pregnant outside of the home country in order to obtain the legal status of an immigrant or citizen, and more, and experiencing all its consequences
6. Our, including someone else`s travel outside of the homeland during childbirth, resulting in the descendant receive of dual citizenship, among other ancestral citizenship inc. dual or multi citizenships and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
7. Our, including someone else`s, naming our descendants by names that we met during our time abroad on emigration/immigration and more, and experiencing all its effects.
8. Our, including someone else`s, being an emigrant or immigrant of first generation without knowing the language used in the country of residence and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
9. Our, including someone else’s attendance as a student at schools, colleges, high schools, universities as well as private education and more, and experiencing all its consequences
10. Our, including someone else`s, leaving homeland for the purposes of adultery, during marriage or the desire to live in a polygamous relationship, long distance relationships with more than one person and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
11. Our, including someone else`s seeking of love, desires, attachments, and emotions on emigration/immigration and not only and experiencing all its effects.
12. Our, including someone else`s search for drunken brotherhood on emigration/immigration, incl. participating in binge drinking, also building friendship on alcoholism and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
13. Our, including someone else`s promotion of emigration as salvation for incl. our family members, children, siblings, parents, to solve our financial, social, and economic issues and more, and experiencing all the consequences.
14. Our, including someone else`s promotion emigration as an escape from idiots, half-heads, drunkards, rapists, ex-partners, current partners, and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
15. Our, including someone else`s exaltation, comparing , considering to be better than other emigrants/immigrants, foreigners and more and experiencing all its consequences.
16. Our, including someone else`s mocking making fun of other emigrants/immigrants, foreigners, including their accents, pronunciation, lifestyle, clothing and traditions, and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
17. Our, including someone else’s occupation, living in poverty, misery, in a small, confined spaces, crowded rooms and houses inc. amongst large group of people in order to accumulate money, send money to the homeland or family, sponsor and more, and experience all its consequences.
18. Our, including someone else’s bureaucracy in foreign countries for the purposes known to God the giver of live and more and experiencing all its consequences.
19. Our, including someone else`s, meeting, making friends with foreigners or compatriots only for emigration/immigration purposes and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
20. Our, including someone else`s, concluding contracts with the country to which we emigrated/immigrated through citizenship, marriage, change of names and surnames, descendants, generations and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
21. Our, including someone else`s joining the army, fighting for the country to which we emigrated/immigrated to and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
22. Our, including someone else`s dying, killing recovering outside the homeland, at any time, dimensions, and incarnation of the soul, and more, and experiencing all its consequences
23. Our, including someone else`s, nostalgia, sentiment towards the country to which we emigrated/immigrated after returning to our homeland, and not only and experiencing all its consequences.
24. Our, including someone else`s frequent departure incl. subsequent emigration/immigration to various countries for the purpose of exploration and comparison among them incl. feeling of weather one country is better than other and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
25. Our, including someone else’s disappointment with the life experienced on immigration/emigration and more and experiencing all its consequences.
26. Our, including someone else`s being on unemployment benefit as an immigrant/emigrant and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
27. Our, including someone else`s, receipt of an emergency accommodation/housing from the country we occupy as a homeless person/homeless immigrant/emigrant and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
28. Our, including someone else`s, being arrested, being imprisoned in a foreign country, as a result getting deported as an emigrant/immigrant and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
29. Our, including someone else`s join gangs, criminal brotherhoods while on emigration/immigration in order to intimidate, beat up, extort money, illegitimate business and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
30. Our, including someone else`s, trafficking of human subjects/slavery while on immigration/emigration, incl. illegally bringing wives, families, prostitutes, and cheap labor, and more, and experiencing all the consequences.
31. Our, including someone else`s, prostitution, exploitation of the body as an escort during emigration/immigration in receipt of money or an exchange of service and more, and experiencing all its consequences.
32. Our, including someone else`s emigration/immigration resulting in living in a foreign country illegally and more, and experiencing all its consequences
33. Our, including someone else`s rejection/being rejected as an immigrant through, parliament, councils, immigration authorities, immigration officers, citizen advice, immigration/lawyer’s other immigrants/immigrant workers of immigration authorities, and more, and experiencing all the consequences.
34. Our, including someone else`s, employment as an immigration lawyer or social worker and promotion/push to participate in unsafe and unethical practices inc. getting pregnant for immigration status, receive of benefits, receive of housing from the country as well as helping with fraud, extorting money, bureaucracy and illegal activities and more, and experiencing all the consequences.
35. Our, including someone else`s karmic attachment to the country, incl. being born, dying, fathering, fighting, paying off debts/being tolled for a country where we no longer live and beyond, and experiencing all its consequences.
36. Our, including someone else`s energetic attachment to various, towns, countries, galaxies, universes and more, and experiencing all its consequences.

Opublikowano: 28/07/2022
Autor: s_majda


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