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A Prayer Different From All Others

Karmic patterns of angelic Souls.

A friend of mine, who is a clairvoyant, told me that he does not pray because he does not see God, therefore there’s no point in doing it. There are so-called karmic patterns, according to which, people and their Souls get caught in identical traps. Just like moths flying towards the lit candle. This clairvoyant could improve his life with a prayer, but as he does not see God, he accepts that God does not exist, and thereby he rejects the knowledge that it is possible to be blocked internally or by third parties to receive:
God’s light
God’s answers, and so important grace
And finally, a similar resistance may also indicate the karma of a living god, which strongly blocks the clairvoyant’s Soul.
The karmic pattern trap may affect everyone, always and everywhere. Jews defined that Cherubs easily talk about God. By that community they were called “the Mouth of God”. It isn’t difficult to find the makers of different stories about God, who directed this particular story at themselves very often to exalt themselves over mediocrity, to become equal to God.
As a part of karmic patterns a Cherub incarnated on Earth, who often lives in idolatrous societies, can say true sentences referring to God and His manifestations in people’s life.
Being happy with his discovery, he promotes this knowledge in the society which totally rejects God, or accepts Him according to what was stated by people who lived in the past and by dogmas. The failure may be painful and so severe, that the Soul becomes an ardent enemy of everything he earlier truly said about God. What is more, as he is counting on God’s support, to promote his own opinions about God, he does not receive help which he expects.
An example of an interference are the lyrics of Ode to Joy written by Friedrich Schiller. It sounds particularly strong in the Beethoven’s versions, when in The Symphony No. 9 there’s mentioned a Cherub standing in front of God. As early as in my grammar school I learnt a Polish translation of this text made by poet Galczynski by heart. It wasn’t earlier than in 2016, when analysing the German text, I found the information about God and a Cherub sang at the end of the symphony. It is worth finding out the reasons, why Galczynski deprived Polish people of this information. For sure the poet’s alcoholism wasn’t the only reason.
The text written by Schiller: “Und der Cherub steht vor Gott”  Link. This phrase is sang by the soloist, and after that the choir sings it repeatedly, to emphasise the presence of God in our life.
The text translated by Galczynski reads “Na Radości złoty ślad” (Onto a golden trace of Joy).
It’s worth adding, that similar action was taken to deprive 1 billion people of the knowledge that the second commandment of the Decalogue prohibits idolatry and worshipping anyone or anything but God. Link
A different karmic pattern in which for example the Souls of Seraphins may get stuck, is their clairvoyance, used unconsciously. Jews defined that Seraphins easily see God and have an easy access to the Akasha Chronicles. In Jewish texts they were called “the Eyes of God”. While seeing various entanglements, astral worlds, dependencies of phenomena, people so easily, the person and his/her Soul may recognize that one of such visions is true and correct – despite the fact, that people around him/her see that he/she goes into trances and remains in trances of unconscious perception of the reality.

Translated by Łukasz Szczęk
[email protected]

Opublikowano: 03/09/2016
Autor: s_majda


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