Liberation from suffering, part 2. A prayer.
God, please open my heart and my Soul now.
God, free me now from blaming and punishing myself that I limited God’s possibility to express and manifest through me.
I now forgive myself that I put an energetic image of how I perceived god, gods, spirits, demons and hellish beings.
God, free me now with Your Love from all my perceptions and delusions about God and world which are still coded in my own heart soul and mind.
I now allow God to express through me always easily and positively.
God, free me now with Your Love from all my inner fears and resistances which block my free spiritual progress, my easy way forward in my spiritual development.
God, free me now from the belief that I am separated from You, from divine abundance, from divine prosperity, divine health and divine love.
God, free me now from the belief that I can’t hear Your voice in me.
God, free me now from the belief that I don’t experience, that I can’t experience Your divine love, Your divine abundance, Your divine fulfillment, Your divine joy.
God, free me (your name …….. ) now from the belief that You God don’t hear me, that You don’t understand me.
God, now with Your Love change my life,my existence so that it is in accordance with with Your plan for me, with Your will, with Your thoughts.
God, free me now from all my intentions, habits and missions of heading towards You on my knees.
God, free me now from all my intentions, habits and missions of heading towards You through crawling and humiliating myself.
God, teach me and show me with Your Love how I can head towards You with love, with joy, easily, without pain, without suffering, without poverty, without misery, without diseases.
God, teach me and show me with Your Love how I …………… (your name) can head towards You with my back straight, with dignity, with my head up on my own neck, joyfully.
God, teach me and show me with Your Love how I can freely feel and express God’s consciousness in me.
My wish and my goal is to evince God’s absolute consciousness, consciousness of divine love, divine abundance.
God, show me now how I can achieve and manifest Your Love, consciousness of God inside me.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected] If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. Original article:Link
Opublikowano: 10/10/2016
Autor: s_majda