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A Prayer Different From All Others

My former thrones. A liberating prayer.

God, please now open my heart and my Soul to safely and innocently commend to You all my thrones, all thrones of my Soul.
I live in God’s Light always and everywhere – then how could I desire thrones or throne empires?
I have permanently commended to God all foreign thrones which were conquered and taken by my Soul and her earthly avatars.
I have commended to God all foreign thrones conquered and taken with my hands for other kings, for different rulers.
I have commended to God all foreign thrones, ruled and occupied by my Soul and her earthly avatars.
I have commended to God all wars for thrones of my Soul and her earthly avatars and all effects of those wars
I have commended to God all imperial and royal thrones of my Soul and her earthly avatars.
I have commended to God all my missions, vows, obligations of having and building earthly and astral thrones.
I have commended to God all my thrones conquered during wars, taken from other beings together with their heritage.
I have commended to God all thrones which stood in foreign lands, in foreign energetic and material civilizations.
I have permanently commended to God all my thrones built because of the pressure of other people.
I have permanently commended to God all my thrones occupied by my Soul and her earthly avatars.
I don’t need any earthly or energetic thrones.
I have permanently commended to God all my thrones built on delusions and illusions
I have permanently commended to God all my religious thrones, thrones of religious leaders, thrones of high priests.
I have permanently commended to God all my thrones of king of all kings, all thrones of lord of all lords.
I have permanently commended to God all matters and troubles of my Soul and her earthly avatars which come from ancient earthly and astral empires and kingdoms.
I have permanently commended to God all living and astral gods, demigods, Asuras who fought against me for thrones.
I have willingly and with joy commended to God all thrones built by my Soul and her earthly avatars.
I have permanently commended to God all my thrones built high and here on Earth.
I have permanently commended to God all thrones I wanted and these which were scorned by my Soul and her avatars.
I have permanently commended to God all those treasures, all splendor and pomp which my Soul and her avatars liked, which my Soul and her avatars desired.
I have permanently commended to God, all beautiful, sculptural, pictorial, encrusted thrones of my Soul and her earthly avatars.
I have permanently commended to God all intentions, habits, needs of having and building earthly, energetic and astral thrones.
I don’t need feel distressed with the fact that I have no thrones.
I have commended to God all foreign thrones conquered and taken for me with the hands of my former soldiers, commanders, leaders.
I have commended to God all foreign thrones befouled with blood, built on blood of subjects and slaves.
I have permanently commended to God all judicial systems and legislations made from my own throne.
I am grateful that former avatars of my Soul could perfectly sit on various thrones.
I have permanently commended to God all my Soul’s and her avatars’ thrones made of wood, stone and metal.
I have permanently commended to God all my thrones built as a result of my narcotic visions, narcotic manifestations, abusing drugs or alcohol.
I have commended to God all thrones conquered and taken in foreign, faraway countries.
I have permanently commended to God all thrones which my Soul and her earthly avatars got used to.
I have permanently commended to God all my astral, energetic and physical-material thrones.
I have permanently commended to God all thrones built from haughtiness, arrogance and self-adoration.
I have permanently commended to God all those who are willing to fight for my throne, those who are willing to take my own throne.
I have permanently commended to God all protectors of my throne.
I have forgiven everything all those who forbidden my Soul and her earthly avatars from sitting on a throne.
I have permanently commended to God all throne clothes and throne outfits that come from all kingdoms and empires of my Soul and her earthly avatars.
I have permanently commended to God all my guards who protected thrones of my Soul and her earthly avatars.
I have permanently commended to God all my thrones that weren’t listed here, but well known to God and to my Soul.

Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]. If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. Original article:Link

Opublikowano: 01/11/2016
Autor: s_majda


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