Once more important for me than God. A liberating prayer.
God, please open my heart and my Soul now.
God, please erase all my intentions, habits, needs which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, please erase all priorities which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all earthly and astral lands of the universe which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all astral gods and programmes of their actions that for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all my intentions, habits, needs of becoming intoxicated with drugs, nicotine, alcohol which for me and for my Soul were more important than God’s support.
God, I have commended to You all sufferers and programmes of their actions that for me and for my Soul were more important than God’s support.
God, I have commended to You all deities of sexual tantra who for me and for my Soul were more important than God’s support.
God, I have commended to You all my gluttonies and gorging on food which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all energies which for me and for my Soul were more important than God’s energies.
God, please erase all energies in me and in my Soul which for me and for my Soul are more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all women who for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all destructive intentions, destructive attitudes, destructive mission which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all my religious programs, religious attitudes, religious possessions which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all received and given orders, all military orders which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all kingdoms and empires, all domains and provinces which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all material and astral planets which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all diseased people, all disabled people and programs of their actions that for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all religious disputes and disagreements which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You the whole blackness in my energies, all shades of grey and contaminations which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all energetic microchips, anchors, blockades which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all money and all wealths which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all masters, gurus and teachers who for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You the whole group of violet Belial, archangels and the programmes of their actions that for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all projects and professional occupations which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
God, I have commended to You all foreign energies in my heart, in my Soul and in my mind which for me and for my Soul were more important than God.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected] If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. Original article:Link
Opublikowano: 13/10/2016
Autor: s_majda