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A Prayer Different From All Others

Professional work – A prayer.

I have gathered many aspects connected with professional work. Here I present some of them – only a few sentences referring to each single subject.

1. Legal work
God, I’m now praying to You and I ask You to give me legal, creative work for me. I thank You God, that You always give me a legal, creative, safe occupation with which I contribute love and light to the world, an occupation which gives me more and more money, God’s abundance and prosperity. God, I thank You that You have taught me and that You show me how to inspire and retain innocence, joy and consciousness of love in legal work which enlarges my wealth, which gives me more money and fulfillment.
God, I let You always purify me from all negative thought patterns connected with my work, with my legal professional occupation, with my job for life. I now agree on a legal, easy, creative, effortless work, my job for life. God, I thank You that with Your Love you have safely, and easily for me, reevaluated and changed all my negative ideas and beliefs referring to my own professional work, to my job for life and its meaningful effects.
God, I thank You, that with Your Love You have liberated me from all my mechanisms of action which made me unable to realize the create work which God has for me, my job for life which God always gives me.
I have thoroughly forgiven myself creating, sustaining various trances which made it impossible for me to realize a legal, safe job for life which God has for me, a job which God always gives me.
I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I became too much reserved in my actions and in my creativity. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that in my way of expressing myself through my achievements I limited myself and God’s creativity by doing only as much as it was necessary to survive.
I now realize that, and I accept that, if other people with their work contribute light and love into life of many other beings – then I don’t need to be worse, I don’t need to sit in the black corner of life, until someone sees me, until someone appreciates my work and my effort which I put in my life, in my job for life.
I have forgiven all my family members and all beings who drew me away from my job for life. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that acting against intuition and God’s suggestions I used to take professional occupation which I didn’t like – for money, for prestige and to please others. I thank You, God, that You have liberated me with You Love from intentions, habits and trances of disdaining myself and my positive achievements, my positive experiences. I thank You, God, that You have successfully liberated me from intentions, habits and missions of disdaining earthly life and my own physical life and its results. I thank You, God, that with Your Love You have liberated me from habits, intentions and missions of disdaining the fact that I am manifesting here and now on Earth in a material, physical body as a beloved child of God.
I have thoroughly forgiven myself that in my professional work I was led by various missions, obligations, initiations and vows which were not only against common sense but also very distant from the God’s plan for me.
I have thoroughly forgiven all tranced people who find pleasure in their constant work, in their relentless, exhausting work. I have forgiven everything to all those who run away from life and from their own needs into work which is intended only at working itself.
2. A dangerous work doesn’t necessarily mean being a soldier or a policeman. Exhausting work at construction site brings more fatal injuries.
I thank You God, that You have liberated me with Your Love from all my intentions, habits and missions of doing a dangerous professional work, work full of unsolvable problems. I thank You God, that You have liberated me with Your Love from all evil, from suffering and low, negative energies which I have accepted myself in my work, in my professional occupation.
3. Copying others in work and in everyday life. Unsuccessful results of copying achievements and way of life of others.
4. Independence in your workplace, independence in making all decision – those private and those professional ones. Responsibility for all results of your own decisions.
5. Fears of and resistances against accepting positive results and positive effects of your own work and your own life.
God, teach me now and show me how I ………………… (Your name) can appreciate myself, my own work and the good which I contribute to the world. I thank You God, that You always give me and show me real arguments, real reasons so that I can appreciate myself and that I can accept myself and that what I do for the highest good of myself and others. I accept that in the Chronicle of God’s memories and in the Akashic records there are many records in my favour saying how I manifested as a creative, constructive individual, who contributes much light and love into the world. I accept that for many people I was many times and I am still a positive role model in creative and easy expressing love here in the material world.
6. Illegal work
I have thoroughly forgiven myself all my black thoughts, black expectations, black imaginations and visualisations, black despair, black dreams connected with my own professional work, with work which gives me money and wealth. I have forgiven everything to all those who work illegally and earn for living by doing various illegal activities and illegal businesses.
I have forgiven everything to all those who hide themselves, hide their work. I have forgiven everything to all those who have a need of hiding that what they do and that what gives them money and wealth. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that through my own work which I did illegally, I wanted to hide what I did and how I did it. I don’t need to be ashamed or to be afraid of products of my hands, products of my mind. I thank You God, that You always make me innocent, free from disgrace because of illegal work I used to do.
7. Debts towards God, towards other beings which result from our professional work. Debts of others towards us.
With the power of God’s Love let I now become easily liberated from all my debts and obligations, also the karmic ones, which arose in connection with work I did, with my occupation, with my vocation.
8. Magic fights, grinding down competitors – subject very well known to tradesmen, politicians, decision-makers.
I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I trained and initiated various people, who afterwards ground me down in my work in order to overtake my job positions. I have forgiven everything to all those who introduced destabilization in order to remove me from my work, from my job position.
I have forgiven everything to all those who in my professional work and in my own life fought with me magically, energetically and even physically.
9. Serving as a scapegoat
I have forgiven myself that in my own professional work I sometimes served as a sacrifice and I was a scapegoat.
10. Safety
I am conscious that my own job for life inspired by God, given me by God is always easy, safe and innocent for me. I am conscious that I can do every work which God has for me, which God the Creative Force always gives me. I accept that my own legal job for life, inspired by God and always and everywhere given me by God always serves the highest good of myself and others.
11. Self-assessment. Appreciating yourself, your achievements. Appreciating genious results of your work (noticing them).
I thank You God that You have liberated me from intentions, habits and missions which made me unable to appreciate my own creative achievements. I am conscious that because of the fact that I wasn’t able to appreciate myself, others could disdain me as they didn’t find any internal light in me.
12. Wicked intentions
I have thoroughly forgiven myself that being led in my life by various wicked intentions and mission I worked for wicked people and for ideas which were wicked, despicable and undeniably evil. Therefore, God – my friend – I always want to work in Your glory, in Your brightness. I want to be internally inspired by Your divine Love.
13. Controlling others, ruling others in professional work and in everyday work. If we like to rule at home, then look for what we did and where we did it as tyrants in the past.
I now realize that, and I accept that in my job for life I never again have to control other people or rule over them. I now realize and accept that my own job for life is always free from controlling and manipulating others.
14. Money and professional work. Many aspects of chaos.
I now forgiven myself that for many times in my professional work, not the God’s Love, but money was the motor and the mover of my creations.
I have thoroughly forgiven myself that in the past I worked only for material benefits, not to tune up with God’s energies in order to express love with my actions, with my life.
I have forgiven myself that in the past I forgot about God – as the source of all help – and I started looking for needless activities, needless missions and needless work.
God, let me now realize that God accepts my wealth, my abundance, my financial profits which I experience and on which I open myself as a result of my professional work, my job for life.

15. Dreams. Every day matters which weren’t abreacted during the day come back to us at night.
It is wonderful and beautiful that each night I attract and create serene and blissful dreams, dreams about my job, about my activities and my life. I thank You god that You always inspire me so easily through all my dreams, through Your divine suggestions – these explicit and loud ones, as well as through Your silent whisper.
16. Lack of faith.
My friend, please liberate me now from disbelief, from lack of faith that You God have always for me a profitable, safe, legal and innocent work serving the highest good of mine and others. I thank You God that You always protect me from being dizzied and misled by large amount of various profitable offers of legal work for me.
17. Suffering in work and in everyday life.
I have thoroughly forgiven myself all intentions of destroying myself with my professional work, with work which gives me me money. I have thoroughly forgiven all those who inspired me to destroy myself with my own professional work, with my work which gives me money.
18. Work in delegations, on constant business trips. While I was observing some of my friends I drew a conclusion that our life partners forces us to do it – when are afraid of him and we believe that we will feel better alone, on the other part of the world.
I now realize and accept that I can and I am able to carry out professional work and earn large amounts of money legally at my own home without doing this work beyond my home.
19. The unemployed.
I have forgiven everything to all those who stay at home unproductively, waste their lives and their time. I have forgiven everything to all those helpless, lost people, who by staying at home fulfill some kind of their past missions, vows or delusions. I thank You God, that with Your Love You have liberated me from faith that since there are more and more unemployed people, than I am at risk of becoming unemployed. Thank You God, that with Your Love You have liberated me from intentions, habits and needs of running away from unemployment to receive invalidity allowance or accident compensation.
20. Ghosts and Spirits
I have thoroughly forgiven myself that my work and my own life were greatly influenced by that what I did with ghosts in the past, and by that what I did as a ghost between incarnations. I thank You God that with Your Love You have liberated me from the results and consequences of the fact that between incarnations as a ghost I inspired beings who lived in their physical bodies to do various tasks, to do work without purpose, to do work which was wicked and evil. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that when I was in the group of other ghosts I exhorted people to do stupid things and I introduced chaos in lives of others. I have thoroughly forgiven everything to all those ghosts of deceased people, who inspired me to do different tasks, to carry out work without purpose, to do work which was wicked and evil.
I have thoroughly forgiven that when I acted in my work and in my life under the influence of ghosts and demons I stopped being myself – a beloved child of God the Creative Force of Love.
21. God and professional work.
I accept that God works relentlessly 24 hours a day. I am conscious that God works days and nights and He is God the Creative Force of Love and everything depends from Him always and everywhere. I am conscious that every attempt of copying God in His work or in any other actions, may end up with becoming exhausted very quickly and with diseases, not only physical ones. I accept that God the Creative Force of Love derives endless joy from His work and from its result – He finds pleasure in it.
22. Religious threads in professional work.
I willingly live in light and love, therefore I don’t have to realize in trade, in services, in my work any programs, missions or habits that various monks, living gods, saint martyrs coded in me.
23. Castes and their purposes.
I have thoroughly forgiven all those, who in a narrow group of informed people agree on meaningful subjects in order to trick others, to enlarge their own wealths and add themselves splendor. I have thoroughly forgiven everything to all those who were in groups of initiated people and who accepted personal benefits only for their own good.
I have thoroughly forgiven everything to all those, who by giving privileges according to their own will, who by means of drugs or money are still founding the caste-based division – which they perfectly know. I have thoroughly forgiven everything to all those who look for supporters so that someone would give them anoitment or a licence to live, to do professional work.
I have thoroughly forgiven all those caciques, who use strong family and ethnic connections based on loyalty and obligations, which exceed the boundaries of castes and social strata. I have thoroughly forgiven everything to all those who demand bribes and illegal money commissions.
24. Sex
I am conscious that there are 2 separate sexes – male and female, in which my own Soul and Souls of other beings express themselves in totally different ways, but still proper for the given sex, proper for a beloved child of God.
I am conscious that the way of expressing of a given sex was strongly influenced by the first intentions and the choice of the first sex during my first incarnation – in the human body. I am conscious that my biggest life achievements, my most beautiful and most valuable creations in the material world and in light could have manifested not in my present sex, but when my Soul incarnated in the opposite sex.
I thank You God, that with Your Love You have liberated me from intentions, habits and trances of disdaining my present sex and ways of expressing myself in work, in sex and in life in my own body and with my present sex.
25. Control
I have thoroughly forgiven all controllers of me and my Soul. I have thoroughly forgiven all those who have a need of checking, assessing, controlling me and others. I have thoroughly forgiven all those who feel important and needed when they can check, control,assess in work and in life. I have thoroughly forgiven all those, who feel important and needed when they can check, control, assess me and others in work and in life. I have thoroughly forgiven all those who in their work and in life focus on finding mistakes. I have thoroughly forgiven all those who used to break and still break my decisions and my post-control orders.
26. God’ plan
I thank You God, that with Your Love You have liberated me from intentions,habits and trances which made me succumb to ideas of others, their plans and beliefs. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I had great resistance and I made up problems – everything just not to work creative, effectively and according to God’s plan for me. I have forgiven myself that I realized in my life, in my work plans and projects of different beings which were against the God’s plan for me. I am conscious that as I didn’t know the God’s plan for me, as I wasn’t conscious that such plan even exists I wandered without a purpose finding for myself needless actions, needless work, unreasonable and harmful missions. I now recall that I am a child of light and I came here from light. I have thoroughly forgiven myself all reasons which made me didn’t listen internal voice of God in my own heart. I now thank You God that with Your Love You have liberated me from all my fears and disturbances which resulted from the fact that I didn’t listen to internal Voice of God in me.
27. Mediocrity.
I ……………. (your name) let God liberate me from intentions,habits which attracted into my life mediocre work, mediocre work experience. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I didn’t want to be special and unique in my work and in my life.
28. Sufferings
I have thoroughly forgiven myself that with my work, with the creations of my mind I used to destroy the difference between good and evil. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that when I looked for gates of Heaven, that when I knocked not enough willingly at the gates of Heaven I arrived there when I am now. I thank You God that with Your Love You have liberated me from the results of the fact that through thousands of years and through many incarnations I chased fruit of desires and illusion.
I have thoroughly forgiven myself that labor market crashes and economic quakes used to destroy me, that I burnt out in them. I have thoroughly forgiven everything to all those who shake economics, who shake workplaces, who cause political changes. I have thoroughly forgiven all those who associate progress with suffering, effort and difficulties. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that many times I have seen how my life’s work collapsed and fell into ruin. I have thoroughly forgiven everything all those who plotted against me and against my role in work and in life.
29. Appreciating yourself.
I have thoroughly forgiven everything to all those who weren’t able or didn’t want to appreciate me and my achievements. I have thoroughly forgiven all those who were able and could accept me and my achievements only after I died, only when I wasn’t present on Earth.
30 Decision-making mistakes.
I have thoroughly forgiven myself that so few decisions I made in my work and my own life brought profits and highest good to me ………… (your name) and do other beings. I ………… (your name) have thoroughly forgiven myself that I used to destroy myself and other beings by making wrong, harmful, destroying decisions. I ………… (your name) now ask God to liberate me from attracting to me results of my past wrong decisions. I ………… (your name) like to intuitively make in my life and in my work creative, safe, happy decisions which bring the highest good.
31 Trade
I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I wasn’t able in any way to sell or to widespread my ingenious inventions and my revelatory thoughts. I thank You God that with Your Love You have liberate me from paralysis and infirmity which made me unable to safely, innocently and beneficially sell and widespread my ingenious inventions, my goods, inventive ideas. I thank You God that with Your Love You have liberated me from all internal and external resistances and tensions which made me unable to earn even then, when God inspires me, when God the Creative Force of Love gives me suggestions. I accept that it is not a crime when I make profit selling my products, my knowledge, when I earn doing what I can and what I can innocently do.

Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us. original article:Link God, let this translated prayer be seen and heard by You as my own personal prayer. God, please hear me. God, please grant me Your innocent and safe help. Your beloved child.

Opublikowano: 12/11/2016
Autor: s_majda


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  • s_majda says:

    32. Exams (fragments)

    I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I got lost in karma and in everyday life and I wasn’t able to easily pass the exams I faced in life. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I took some exams in my work and in my life unprepared, poorly educated, stressed out. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I tragically failed some of exams in my work and in my life. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that the tasks which I tried to solve in my life exams were far beyond my knowledge and my skills. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I didn’t want to have any facilitations in my life exams.


    33. Drugs, alcohol (fragments)

    I have thoroughly forgiven myself that one of the reasons and and one of my intentions to perform hard work was the need to meet up with alcoholics, drug abusers, cigarette smokers. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that often my work companions who were alcoholics and who were unconscious.


    34. Word (fragments)

    I accept that firmness of the word I gve in the past, was an obvious fact for me and for other beings. I am conscious and I accept that, after many years and after many incarnations I have the right, I have power, a need and will to change the words I gave in the past. I am conscious that a change of my opinion doesn’t ever have to bring earthquakes, annihilation of the world, suffering of other beings. Now I choose and I accept with no objections firmness of God’s words, firmness of God’s the Creative Force.


    35. Splendor (fragments)

    I accept that no one has to worship me or pay me honors for my achievements. I have thoroughly forgiven all those who stroked my ego in work and in everyday life. God, teach me now how I can satisfy my customers easily and with charm. I am conscious that social recognition and other people’s respect have the same value as money paid my customers for my work for them. I accept that I can be respected for what I do and how I do it, and for how I behave.


    36. Chicanery (fragments)

    God, I thank You that with Your Love You have liberated me from the results of that I used to send bandits after people in the past. God, I thank You that with Your Love You have liberated me from the belief that I will be finished off by lawyers and people with legal power. God, I thank You that with Your Love You have liberated me from the belief that I will be finished off by gangsters and bandits sent after me by competitors and enemies. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that in the past in my work and in my everyday life I felt great among plots and various intrigues.  I have thoroughly forgiven everything all those who scourge and intimidate their subordinates, people in their surrounding and their relatives.


    37. Uprawnienia zawodowe (fragmenty)

    I am conscious and I accept that I have and I can always have every necessary qualifications in my work and in my life. I am conscious and I accept that I am a beloved child of God the Creative Force of Love and I always have every necessary qualifications to realize God’s plan for me efficiently.

    38. Trust, Law, Bureaucracy (fragments)

    I have thoroughly forgiven everything all those who breached my trust in work and in life. I have thoroughly forgiven everything all those who lost my trust. I have thoroughly forgiven everything God the Creative Force of Love that once He lost my trust which I had for him. I thank You God that You have diverted all negative effects of that I took steps to make others lose their trust in me, to lose trust in that what I do in work and in my life.

    I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I used to get lost in law’s intricacies. I don’t have to feel guilty for the fact that blurry ethics and blurry argumentation of lawyers’ minds became foreign to me. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that law was too difficult and too incomprehensible for me to understand. I thank You God that with You Love You have liberated me from being a bureaucrat who acts only and strictly according to the law set by other people.


    39. Thieves (fragments).

    I have forgiven everything all those who have sticky fingers. I have forgiven everything all those who steal professionally, who steal for pleasure and those who steal because their have to. I have forgiven everything all people who are trained in thief’s trade. I have forgiven everything all those who inspired me and encouraged me to steal and to do treacherous practices. I accept that thieves and frauds give back karmically and physically more than they took and stole. 


    40. Work (fragments)

    I thank You God that with Your Love You have liberated me from the faith that labour market is continuously shrinking or that it has shrinked into catastrophic size. I have thoroughly forgiven that I was fascinated with other people’s careers and ways of their professional development.  God please, now free me from the effects of that I used to try imitated other people in life and in work. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that due to my work I felt stagnant and pessimistic. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I was frustrated with that what happened in my work and with that what was related to it. I am conscious that and I accept that accepting a new job doesn’t need to be dramatic for me, and that it doesn’t need to introduce chaos and confusion in my life. I am conscious and I accept that that what I created in my life in the past is valuable for other beings – there are obvious reasons for that. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I preferred work hard and bent to the ground, instead of subjecting to God, His will and His inspirations. I have thoroughly forgiven everything all those who treat work of their subordinates as their holy duty. I have thoroughly forgiven everything all those inspired me to follow the way of suffering, to seek suffering for me and to bring suffering to other beings.


    41. Qualifications (fragments)

    I accept that other people see in me that what I wasn’t aware of. I now become conscious that people see and have always seen me as a creative, beloved child of God the Creative Force of Love.  I now become conscious that people used to give me tasks which I dealt with instantly and which now took me many years, and in some cases even many incarnations. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that in my life I took up various jobs which I did just for a short time and afterwards I decided that I didn’t want to do them in my life. God, I thank You that with Your Love You have liberated me from the effects of building dark scenarios in my professional and everyday life.


    42. Love (fragments)

    I always accept those who are happy with their own life, with their job and with that what they receive from their job. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that once I lost all my knowledge about God the Creative Force of Love, and that forgot the idea of working for God, for Love.  I have thoroughly forgiven myself that that in the past I blocked my chakras and my endocrine glands not to receive and experience joy, fulfillment and happiness which life and work for God give. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that I sank so low in my development that working for money and for prestige have become the most important things for me. I have thoroughly forgiven myself that things that drove me to life and work was only work, and sometimes even drugs. I thank You God, that with Your Love You always teach me how to motivate myself in work and in every other activity with love, joy, light.