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A Prayer Different From All Others

Request for God’s Judgement. Prayer

Request for God’s Judgement. Pl. Link
Co- writer Dorota Kielan

The prayer entitled “The complain on my own Soul” lead us , after long time, to another prayer “The request for God’s Judgement”.

The medieval ideas of people, whose Souls forgot about God and His Judgement, have created the common social consciousness about a cruel God. Ruthless courts gave a little chance for the survival accused ones in the past when they deviated from a dogma.

The idea of true God’s Judgement has appeared when my colleague argued with another person about protective and supportive prayers to God which did not have any result. What should we do in a such situation? “Put him before God’s Judgement. Let God the Creative Force of love to arbitrate between you both”.

The real God’s Judgement ,which is put forward on a person’s motion, takes place before the Creator— God the life giver; it is not the court which find a guilty or represents the one described by M. Norton. The God’s Judgement is a beautiful equivalization of energies and always is positive for every one (for Souls and incarnated earth personalities who ask for God”s Judgement). When you are in the situation when your life is terrible and you feel it can be worse you can always ask for God”s Judgement to balance energies, equalize opportunities and as the result you get a chance for the further prospective existence on the earth. I do not describe here the course of the trial because it can differ over details.

I asked for God”s Judgement on my motion. It involved two people with who I could not have had a normal relationship with. Even though I prayed many years or I tried to make everything to better our relationships but nothing worked. The answer on my prayer was the God’s ruling for which I am really grateful.

The first case was finished with non-aggression pact in the relationship. The second one was much more complicated. For healing the relationship I have done many things:
-I have prayed systematically for many many years
-I had to recall our karmic past
-I asked for forgiveness and I received it from the Soul of that person
-The Soul of that person and his earth incarnation have been handed over to God in the group intercession prayer.

Although I had done so many, I still were under the pressure to take special care for that person in order to make his life better. After the prayer God’s Judgement I felt the undisputed God’s support for him; I also realised that I could have been an importunate person if I had act constantly in the same manner as earlier. Now I feel that I am a free and independent man in the same way as this person and his Soul.

The request for God’s Judgement can concern anything in what the person or the Soul cannot cope with for instance:
-the relationship with another person or a group of people (and their Souls)
-intimate or personal matters
-your relation and all matters with your Soul or troubles in materialisation of your requests

If you want to God”s Judgement to take place you need to ask God the Creative force of Love for it. When we are on a trail on the earth we have to obey some rules. The judge has the right to punish anyone when somebody from a party will face him/her without any respect for example by using the first name Ms/Mrs. John/Jane or whatever. The God’s court would not rather punish anyone.

You should not address to a god but to the Creator, the Only One God, to God life giver, to God of the Creative force of Love. Muslims have got the only one term on Him Allah. Our Souls remember many different gods to whom they prayed trough all incarnations. There were active twelve gods in astral world. It is vital to mention it because we must be aware of redirection of prayers to other beings who made himself/herself god on the earth or in astral world. We do not want to have a parody of God’s Judgement.

I always ask God for everything for me and my own Soul; I do never ignore Soul in my prayers. You can ask for the Judgement for somebody else by his/her approval or without it when a person is unconscious or harm others.

At the beginning, you should ask for God’s Judgement between you, me Slawomir Majda and my Soul in order to find out how it works. You could have been somebody who has restricted me and my Soul or it could have been otherwise. Even if it was not between us any good in our relationships , I do not afraid that something bad can happen to me when you ask for God”s Judgement.
I (your name & surname)…… ask for me and my own Soul for God’s Judgement in the relationship between Slawomir Majda and his Soul. I ask for balancing all energies between us and for freedom from whole karmic past between us. I submit myself and my own Soul for resolution of God the Creative force of love and I accept humbly in my heart Your judgement.
I would appreciate any deliverance and positive results which are the consequence of God’s judgement for me and you. There have been some summons and I am still fine.
You can ask for God’s Judgement when you feel unrest in your own live for example when your positive thoughts, prayers and happiness are blocked. The results of your prayer or request always should include the Soul and its incarnation (you). When you do not take into account your Soul, it can block energies of the prayer on 7th chakra. Such think shapes look like globules and they gather together to create , so called, cluster of thoughts. They never come up and are stopped on the level of the human ego.

God’s Judgement is not a request for poverty and suffering. It is not connected with punishment and you should not expect any pain. Nobody, even those people who are expected to suffer in a human perspective, do not deserve for misfortune and suffering. Everybody is beloved God’s Creative force of Love child. Even me- Slawek. We have got the right to take God’s grace, care and protection, even those about whom nobody would tell a good word.

You may ask for God’s Judgement for you and your Soul when:
-you use dowsing, pendulums, pyramid’s energies
-you use Reiki energies. Have you ever been curious about God’s opinion and assessment this initiation practice and HIS opinion about your safety while using it? What about karmic results and influence on your DNA?
-when you have got connections with army or police
-you work creatively and intensively for religious doctrine
-you have got money from selling alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or prostitution

1.I ( your name & surname) submit myself to God’s judgement and I ask for the trial on my sexuality and my Soul
2.I ( your name & surname) submit myself to God’s judgement and I ask for the trial on my and my Soul sexuality to other incarnated men and women.
3.I (name& surname) submit myself to God’s judgement and I ask for the trial on my and my Soul earnings, wealth and our prosperity.

You can now ask for God’s judgement when you know that God is forgiveness and supportive love for everyone. Do not wait for judgement of common court of law. Do not wait for bailiff or other prosecutors, legates of karma’s law who wield sword of justice after years.

Do you know how hard can be to receive forgiveness for tyranny and despotism? Do you know that only one person among 6 000 000 000 incarnated people on the Earth gave forgiveness to Ivan the Terrible? It was his mother. If you are in the situation of the Ivan the Terrible or you are not sure about this (you do not know the karmic past of your Soul) you can ask for God”s Judgement on you and even the potential tyrant.

I sent the text to my acquaintances before publishing it. There were three main results of God”s Judgement:
a) no reaction
b) gaining information and healings in the relationships with people on unimaginable level for those who asked the God”s Judgement
c) an indeterminate reaction

No reaction on God”s prayer and the conviction that God”s Judgements are lame or nobody can judge is the reaction of our Soul on its earlier believes that God does not exist or that He is old man with grey hair who can only punish for all sins. It is better then do not ask for God”s Judgement. Buddhist, who meditate on Emptiness as the ultimate goal of the existence of the Soul, believe that God does not exist so God”s Judgement is here at variance with their beliefs and mind.

You should ask for God”s Judgement on you and Your Soul in relationship with all gods in the Universe, those incarnated and astral ones. Preventively it can be useful to have adjudication of the karmic satanistic past and usage of Voodoo.

When you gain trust in God”s Judgement you can ask for it like this:
Please God the Creative Force of love to open my heart and my Soul for reception , materialising all positive results of God”s Judgement and outcomes of my and my Soul submission to You, the only one God. I submit myself and my immortal Soul to God, God the Creative Force of love Judgement, and I ask for God”s Judgement on us in our relationship to all people and their immortal Souls and all astral creatures. I ask with my Soul for God”s the Creative Force of love Judgement in the presence of God”s angels of light and all God”s people.
I ask God the Creative Force of love for the objective and accurate judgement which does not omit anything from my and my Soul past in all relations and our matters which we had with all creatures and their Souls.
I ask God the Creative Force of love for the objective and accurate judgement which does not omit anything from my and my Soul past in all relations and our matters which we had with animate and inanimate world.
I ask you God the Creative force of love for releasing me and my Soul from all regrets and resentments which I with my Soul can still have to You God, to the world and other Souls. I also ask other creatures to forgive me and my Soul.
I submit myself and my whole being, my whole person and my immortal Soul to God”s the Creative Force of love Judgement and I humbly take to my and my Soul heart the judicial decision (ruling) of the trial.
Pleasantly is to live with the consciousness that I with my Soul do not have any karmic debts to other creatures, Souls, astral creatures and worlds.
I with my Soul are worthy to accept and experience all results of God”s Judgements on me, my Soul and our heart in every matter here and now, always and anywhere. I with my Soul are grateful to all who have been waiting for balancing energies between us before God”s Judgement. I with my Soul are also grateful to God the Creative Force of love for effectiveness of God”s Judgement on me and my immortal Soul. I am with my Soul are grateful for whole God”s love to us and our heart.

Here I also present another example of God”s Judgement
God the Creative Force of love I and my Soul submit ourselves to Your God”s Judgement for every and even potentially construction and invention of any traps on other Souls and creatures. I ask you God for Your Judgment on me, on my Soul and other Souls and creatures who could have been trapped by me, my Soul and its earlier avatars who built and made up ropes, webs, nets, traps which were set on other Souls and creatures.
I ask You God the Creative Force of love to neutralize now all ever created and built traps on other Souls, astral creatures and people. I with my immortal Soul ask you God the Creative Force of love to relieve other Souls and creatures from a burden of all ropes, nets, webs, handcuffs, bilboes and other traps in which we trapped other Souls and creatures in the past.
I ask you God the creative force of love to set me and my Soul constructive tasks and aims which are in accordance with Your God”s will and are better than construction and invention of traps, ropes on other Souls and creatures.

You will find more information about this topic in the article artykuly.php?id_artykulu=145

When you have to put an effort to show the love for example to your own mother-in-law or to another person (or Soul) you can ask for God”s Judgement on you and your own (only your) Soul in relation to the person (Soul) for immediate balancing all energies and everything else what the Soul could have received not enough in the past lives from your Soul or even you.

You will find more information in the article

There are people who have been suing themselves in act of desperation for months or years. They constantly exchange their roles—once they are sued and another time they sue. I do not see in it any attempt to take revenge. It is serious matter when you can see that something wrong and evil happen all the time to them or there is lack of appropriate attitude which brings them suffering. In my opinion, asking for God”s Judgement is the best solution in such situation.

Opublikowano: 17/09/2012
Autor: s_majda


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