Tenderness – affirmations
I completely forgive everyone and return freedom to all those who have taught me how to live and act without tenderness. I completely forgive myself for once becoming insensitive towards my loved ones, my family and even myself. I apologize all those for whom tenderness was unavailable, through our thinking and our actions. I allow tenderness to embrace and provide me and others with a smile, consciously, safely, innocently. I forgive myself for wanting to keep my tenderness to myself, so as not to share it with anyone. I forgive all those who suggestively have presented my scantness of tenderness for themselves and others as precious and valuable.
I completely forgive myself and all those who have separated me from tenderness, all those who have not yet allowed me to experience tenderness. I completely forgive myself and all those who made tenderness become a suspicious, unclear phenomenon for me, hidden who knows where and by whom. I completely forgive all those who made my own soul not show me tenderness and avoid tenderness towards me. I forgive myself for simulating illnesses, suffering and worries in order to experience tenderness from others. I allow myself and others to observe tenderness consciously, safely, innocently. I completely forgive all those who falsify tenderness, who confuse tenderness with its counterfeits or placebos. I completely forgive everyone for whom I remember tenderness as an incident that appeared once and disappeared very quickly. I forgive everyone and return freedom to all those who traffic with tenderness, fake tenderness, substitutes, substitutes for tenderness. I also forgive all those who show tenderness in homeopathic doses and all those who are waiting to take away my own tenderness, block it, sell it or destroy it. I always allow myself to look at tenderness calmly, safely, innocently. I completely forgive myself and all those whose tenderness was unknown to me and still remains for me a feature or feeling with no practical application.
I completely forgive everyone and set free all those who fake tenderness towards me, and all those who demand payment in cash or material gifts for the tenderness they show. I do not have to be afraid of tenderness, I do not have to protect myself from tenderness, I do not have to fight against tenderness, against love, against the joy of existence, I do not have to be a soldier fighting tenderness inside of me and the one shown to me by others. I forgive myself for the fact that, due to my actions, the tenderness has reached me along a bumpy and very winding, long road. I completely forgive myself and all those who have turned the tenderness we showed into painful experiences for me, because of whom my tenderness disappeared down the abyss or returned to me mutilated, tainted, unconscious. I completely forgive everyone and return freedom to all those who have made tenderness unavailable to me. I allow myself and others to observe tenderness consciously, safely, innocently. I completely forgive everyone and set free all those who have deceived me into temptation, which have led me away from tenderness, from love, who have covered tenderness and love with themselves, who have falsely explained it as tenderness itself or equally falsely acted in its name. I allow myself to invite tenderness to myself, to host it so that it wants to stay with me forever. I completely forgive everyone and return freedom to all those who have made me believe that tenderness is assigned only to people with specific occupations or professions, to specific character features and beauty, to people who want something in return, to people of a specific gender, race, skin color.
I apologize to all those who, because of me, have learned to live and act without tenderness and love in their hearts. I completely forgive everyone and return freedom to all those who have faked tenderness towards me while internally boiling with different attitudes, consciously preparing me for stress, fights, various afflictions and endless suffering. I always allow tenderness itself to look at me trustingly, safely, innocently. I completely forgive myself and all those whose tenderness and love in my family and in my relationships with my family have burned and rejected me. I completely forgive myself and all those who have caused my tenderness and love in the marriage, in the relationship with parents, with children, with distant relatives to have various substitutes, deficiencies, obstructions, or inappropriate colors. I completely forgive all oppositionists who have made my access to tenderness limited or completely impossible.
I am open to lasting, innocent, safe experiences, to manifest tenderness. I allow myself and others to let tenderness be a lasting feeling and experience, so that in addition to tenderness, we and others can always manifest all other creative, positive, conscious features and feelings. I completely forgive everyone and return freedom to all those whose tenderness I have understood as a dangerous expression hidden deep inside, as a dangerous phenomenon that could harm in unexpected ways. I chose tenderness, strengthened by love, as a constant element and a constant feeling of my existence.
Through God, I withdraw all my consents ever granted, allowing anyone to falsify the tenderness directed towards me, the consent given to replace the tenderness with other negative features, experiences, harmful intentions and expectations. I completely forgive myself and all those who have caused an overwhelming insensitivity in me and my life, who have made me indifferent to positive experiences and positive relationships, happiness of others and my own one. I always gain by accepting tenderness, so I always allow God and all those who love me to always show tenderness, and I allow myself to show tenderness towards all my loved ones, towards God and towards my own soul. I accept tenderness and I give tenderness to my loved ones with its constant companions – with the joy of existence, with God’s love, with God’s supply of everything that is best, innocent and creative.
Author: Sławomir Majda
Translation by K.M.
Opublikowano: 23/02/2025
Autor: s_majda