The heavenly language of God and Souls.
The heavenly language of God and Souls.
Many years ago, in some spiritual development classes, somebody raised the issue of language abilities of enlightened people The point was that Satya Sai Baba spoke in many languages, including their dialects. I can admit, that I lack such communication skills – they are useful during travelling abroad. It is said, that in India Sai spoke fluently with a Ukrainian woman in her mother tongue. Assumably, during his whole life he was visited there by maybe 200 people from Ukraine, and it was suspected, that he didn’t learn this language for such a small group, but he rather developed such skills in himself. The person who was conducting classes was a clairvoyant – she saw Souls – and she gave us such interpretations. The whole matter clarified when I started talking with Souls of living people as well as with my own Soul.
At some point, this Ukrainian woman saw the Soul of Sathya Sai Baba and she talked only with the Soul, not with the personality. Personally, I am fluent in the Polish language and in one foreign language. I can barely say something in a few languages. However, I have never had any problems in understanding any Soul who wanted to talk with me, even if her personality lives in India, Sri Lanka, Morocco. For many years in my articles and movies I have been emphasizing we have to know which level of reality we actually see.
I have been also emphasizing that it is important to correctly define the phenomenon of a Soul, and avoid using such terms as Subconsciousness, the Lower Self, etc. towards her, as such terms really do not mean anything, they cause a confusion of knowledge and they make the mutual agreement inside one’s whole Being more difficult. A Soul which is addressed as “the Lower Self”, or “my Unconsciousness” will only shrug her shoulders and leave without making any contact.
How should we talk we our own Soul or with other Souls? We do it only in our own language – the one we are most fluent in. There’s no chance that good God invented difficulties for people, which would require undergoing initiations, taking sacraments or using a heavenly language or any other things for our internal dialogue.
Communicating with God is similar to that. There’s no chance that good God invented difficulties for people, which would require the knowledge of, for example Sanskrit, Latin, English or other foreign or extinct languages which He would approve for people who pretend to contact Him personally. How should we talk with God and with Souls? There’s only one answer. We should do it in our own language, logically and understanding it, because that’s the nature of God.
And God who fulfills our requests must know and understand exactly everything what we expect because complaints are often impossible. Our logical requests, prayers and our work with intentions serve this purpose.
Personally, I know quite a few people who easily receive God’s answers to their personal prayers expressed in their own language. Why does it happen? Because they have agreed with God about the basic terms. They have agreed with God the meaning of Family, Money, Poverty, Health, and God sends streams of His graces to each of them separately, regarding all that what an individual can receive.
Isn’t everything simple and logical if it’s based on mind, not on dogmas, initiations or similar practices?
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
original article: Link
Opublikowano: 24/09/2016
Autor: s_majda