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A Prayer Different From All Others

What about the violation of the third commandment?


I would like to write a few words on how the third commandment of the decalogue is violated. This short article is is about the prohibition of inviting God into Your life and into everything You do. I wasn’t conscious of that while I was creating my web portal. I wasn’t conscious of that while I was writing about one thousand of prayers referring to various entanglements and various problems which I, my friends or family met.
We had to turn to God with those problems saying: “God, I have it, but I do NOT want it” and after some time, which was sometimes very short, positive changes appeared. So, inviting God into all your matters, isn’t the same as telling: “God, stay away from us”.
Now let’s quote the third commandment: “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name”.
It is written in the Book of Exodus 20 and later on it is quoted again in a different Book of the Old Testament. I realized that I violate this part of the decalogue. However, I don’t feel guilty for the reason that I invite God because God answers in the form of positive effects. I ask for money and I receive it. I ask for healing for myself or for somebody. I ask God to improve my family relations, and everything changes. So God listens, my prayers are answered. I don’t feel that I am awaiting some kind of a punishment, which would be more or less severe, in the perspective of a longer or shorter period of time.
I was joined by several dozens of people who also work in a similar way, and we work intensively. By intensively I mean 2-3 hours a day of working with prayers and intentions, of asking God and waiting for His answers: “God what’s Your opinion about that?” Such answers come. And therefore the conclusion is that it is contrary to the third commandment seems to ba some kind of a falsity. Either the third commandment doesn’t make any sense and this sentence doesn’t come from God, or maybe God doesn`t know that the decalogue is in force, or maybe God violates the decalogue. I wasn’t conscious that such violation of the decalogue takes place here.
Dear listeners, I think that there could have been a mistake or falsification done on purpose at the time when Moses was introducing the commandments to the people of Israel, when He was promoting them. There were two versions of the decalogue. One of them was on golden tablets but we don’t know what was their content as they weren’t preserved.
The second version is known, so someone falsified something in some period of time. Whatever it looked like, its effects are that contemporary people, let’s say in Western Europe, the world of technological civilization, rejected God. Deities were invited, such us Jesus, saints, mother of god, and such figures are worshipped more than God. They are the addresses of prayers. Different saints, deities of east and west are asked for help and God is somewhere on the margin. It’s enough to enter a random temple in any place to understand who is worshipped instead of God.
It may be a result of the prohibition of inviting God into Your place, into Your life, into Your family, into your every activity. For the reason that I have positive results of inviting God I wish all of you to invite God into all aspects of your life: into your intimate relations to improve the quality of your sexual sensations, to heal the relations with your child, wife, husband, to improve your financial situation etc. I wish all of You that You would feel these results, that your requests wouldn’t be only empty words, but that You would receive everything according to God’s will.

Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczek [email protected]





Opublikowano: 13/10/2016
Autor: s_majda


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