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A Prayer Different From All Others

White astral – A liberating prayer

God, please open my heart and my Soul now. God, I am asking You to fully open my heart for Your divine energies, for Your divine liberation from all my fears, from all sufferings of my physical body, from all sufferings of my Soul which come from white astral.
God, I am commending to You all my sufferings and everything that is connected with sufferings and pains that come from white astral.
God, I am commending to You all my thoughts and ideas which result from White Astral and its creators and controllers.
God, please now erase from my body and from my Soul everything what is connected with white astral and with its creators and controllers.
God, please now open my own heart, my Soul, my mind and my earthly personality for commending to You all energies and vibrations in me, which come from white astral and from with its creators and controllers.
God, please do everything what’s best for me, what’s best for the universe, what’s the most valuable, what’s only right with all my energies and vibrations in me which come from white astral and from with its creators and controllers.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me from the patterns of energies, codings, anchors, pressures and vibrations which come from white astral and from with its creators and controllers.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me from the patterns of succumbing to beings and energies of white astral and its creators and controllers.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me from the patterns of energies, codings, anchors, pressures and vibrations which come from white astral and from with its creators and controllers.
God, I and my Soul are asking You to effectively and permanently free us from all connected to us makers of manacles, nets, ropes for catching Souls or people and from all catchers of Souls, catchers of astral beings who come from white astral or are inspired by white astral.
God I’m asking for me ……………. (your name and surname and for my own Soul for complete, permanent divine purity and lightness of my Soul, of my whole physical body and its energies freed from vibrations of white astral.
God, I’m asking You to harmonize everything in me what originated from white astral, with Your energies, with Your plan for me.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all intentions, habits and needs of being a slave of white astral and a slave of its creators and controllers.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all intentions, habits and needs of being a slave of white astral and a slave of its creators and controllers.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from white astral and a slave of its creators and controllers who were attracted to me by the movements and influences of different planets, stars and astronomical objects of the universe.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all guards and controllers who take their energy from white astral, from the creators of white astral.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all patterns of dying, killing my body, my earthly personality, from patterns which come from white astral and from the creators and controllers of white astral
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all patterns of idolatry which come from white astral and from the creators and controllers of white astral.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free my heart from all energies which come from white astral and from the creators and controllers of white astral.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from energies resulting from idolatry which reach me through various Aka threads, through various thought forms, through my energies and various energies of the universe.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all energies which come from white astral and which are still sustained in my body tissues, body organs and spiritual organs in all their relations and connections.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all energies which come from white astral and which are still sustained in my body bones, joints and muscles.
God, I and my Soul have commended to You all hierarchies, structures, pacts and dependencies which my own Soul and her avatars got involved in the past.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all energies which come from white astral and which are sustained on all my 12 auric layers, in my earthly personality and on all my 6 auric bodies of my angelic wings. (The last phrase is for incarnated angels only).
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all energies coming from white astral and from the creators and controllers of white astral, which are still present in my acupuncture points, in my kundalini, in rays of my light in their every aspect and level.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all energies resulting from white astral, which are still sustained in us, together with unconsciousness, insobriety, together with patterns of intoxication.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all energies resulting from white astral, which are still sustained on my external chakras, on my minor chakras, on chakras of my physical body, in all my endocrine glands.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently fill all the places in me and in my Soul which are still connected with white astral and with the creators and controllers of white astral.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all energies resulting from white astral, which are still sustained on my energetic channels and which come from white astral and from the creators and controllers of white astral.
God, I’m asking You for the complete protection and guardianship for me and for my Soul against energies and vibrations which come from white astral and from the creators and controllers of white astral.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all living gods, gurus, people and beings of both sexes who are guardians of white astral and who are guardians who work for the creators and controllers of white astral.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all energies and vibrations of white astral which reach me through pyramids, through various initiations, through energies of Reiki, and through all other initiations.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all energies and vibrations of white astral in me which result from my addiction to purple Belial, to astral archangels: Gabriel, Michael, Metatron and from all beings similar to them, who feed on our sufferings and on our confused energies.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all energies and vibrations of white astral which I absorbed when I practised Buddhism, Christianity, when I belonged to various religious sects from east, west, north and south.
God, I’m asking You now to completely, effectively and permanently free me and my Soul from all energies and vibrations of white astral which reach me from physical and energetic parasites, harmful bacteria, mushrooms, moulds, viruses and all other micro-organisms which are redundant in me which You God know about.


Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected] If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us.

Original article: Link


Opublikowano: 10/10/2016
Autor: s_majda


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