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A Prayer Different From All Others

Wooden vagina of some women.

I wish to describe a sexual pattern that one being with sociopath patterns, who was also greatly promiscuous, drew my attention to. Since I have no practice in such area nor have I conducted any “field” reasearch on it, I can only base on common knowledge.

I work with all patterns connected with men’s and women’s sexual problems.
I do not sit only and think what could be added here, but I give each emerging idea to God in prayer to decode it and I ask Him to do with it what He wants to. I receive various answers as changes in everyday life, as well as obvious knowledge which sometimes hasn’t been described yet. The pattern of wooden vagina seems to be obvious for everyone.

However, browsing such a term in an Internet browser gives us information about different issues, namely:
wooden items, and among others about healing balls used by women
wooden sheaths for military swords

One of many patterns strongly blocking people’s and Soul’s sexuality is karma of a witch. It also refers to unmarried men who live in celibacy.  Link Let’s carefully read the article “Witch and her hat. Patterns of entanglement”, especially one comment under the article [dated on March 01 2014 17:19:57] “If you do such an exercise with for example a broomsstick, then you can easily understand the reason of many female sexual and orgasm problems.”

It is only one example of reasons of such problems, and there are plenty of them.

Undoubtedly, the majority of such problems are based on a similar mechanism, where on the one hand there is too little sex, as for witches living in loneliness, and on the other hand sexual organs are always busy, because someone is promoting the idea that they will last forewever.

However, when something is overused, a person starts feeling both: unwillingness and resistance to continue such a practice.
However in unconsciousness kept by different ways, Soul and her earthly personalities keep blocking their sexual organs, desensitizing them and resigning from the quality of the experiences for a great quantity of those, instead of working on the cassation of intentions of pimp/bee queen/mother of god/prostitute/homosexual/zoophile and others.

Then, in a totaly different place, a remote and unexpectetd echo is created. It is like with eating sweets and chocolate. The more you eat them, the more you want them but what comes with it is tooth decay and deterioration of liver and pancreas. Conspitation and hemorrhoids may also come along.
If a women holds the pattern of a “wooden” vagina, she does not react properly to sexual stimuluses.

She is as if she was made of wood, and possibly, she gives such feelings to both parties. As I mentioned before I had conducted no research on that, and I am only guessing what the vaginal muscles malfunction is.

It is possible that the contraction and relaxation of muscles does not happen properly one after another, because the vagina is for example permanently too strongly compressed or it is too loose and it’s contraction and relaxation is impossible. Likewise dysesthesia/blokades/tensions of thighs in the area of the groin usually are connected with former prostitution practices.

Statistics show, that about one-third of women in the USA do not have vaginal orgasm. In fact, it is a large group of women. Even those married ones having sex regularly do not have orgasm at all, or not very often.  Link

Some related topics showing other reasons of blockades in having sex by females:
,,Mother of god. Intentions to work with.” Link

,,Mothers of god in Hinduism. Goddess mother in antiquity”.Link
,,Shaved head prostitutes. Behavioral patterns. Karma of Soul.” Link
,,Woman-mantis. Test examining entanglement patterns.”  Link
,,Smoking cigarettes, Crochet and knitted sweaters. Aspects of lack of having sex by men and women.” Link

The wooden vagina pattern can be a reason of homosexuality of a part of the male population. When a woman’s Soul distressed with the lack of sexual fulfillment (orgasms) while having sex with men, she chooses to become a gay, because then she easily experiences orgasms. At The fact that the being gets into trouble is disproportionate to potential sexual orgasmic benefits doesn’t seem to be a problem for many. Some invent even “bonuses” such as: lack of pregnancy, lack of a grumbling witch at home, intellectual discussions at a high level etc.

Related topics:
article:. ,,Boys in tights.Link

article:. ,,Homosexuality. ‘Spiritual’ clubs for gays and lesbians” Link

And as we are talking about gays. Hmm. Let’s think what sexual fellings such a man has with such a “wooden” woman. Does it encourage him to keep up such a relationship or marry her? Or maybe at the Soul level doesn’t he see something similar to a painful pencil peeling?

And the matter of a sexual substitute of men, as the song goes:
“If I was very poor,
I would have a boy made of wood
He wouldn’t ask for food or drink
We would have a good life together” ……………..

Translated Łukasz Szczęk


Opublikowano: 12/07/2016
Autor: s_majda


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