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A Prayer Different From All Others

Fear of opening the heart to God. A liberating prayer.

Please , God open my heart now. I am free of fear of opening myself completely to God and His divine support. I’ve given to Love, a true friend of mine, all my trances, missions, vows which made it impossible to open my heart and accept everything what God the creator has for me and my Soul.
I have completely opened myself to the presence of all God’s energies within me and to all positive results of it. I do not invite any spirits, demons, archangels to me because I have no time for them as I have opened myself to God and his goodness for me.
I’ve given to Love, a true friend of mine, all my and my Soul’s fears of opening my heart to God and to all His divine energies. I’ve given to Love, a true friend of mine, all my intentions, habits, needs which made it impossible to open my heart and accept all God’s grace. I have opened myself completely to the Love of God and its realization.
I am free of haughtiness, arrogance, self-adoration, and therefore I have opened myself to God and his goodness for me. I do not invite any astral reptiles, snakes, parasites, body diseases because I have no time for them as I have opened myself to God and his goodness for me.
I have completely opened my heart, Soul, and mind to direct the love from my heart to God Our Creator and to accept the love he directs to me. Healed by the love of God, I have completely opened my heart, wings, DNA to fully express that what my Soul received at the very beginning of its existence.
I am free of karma of a soldier, and karma of a prostitute, therefore I have opened myself to God and his goodness to me. I have opened my heart and all the completely stuck gates, so that nothing would block the expressions and expansions of God’s energies and His divine light. I do not invite any living gods, demigods, Asuras as they are not worth wasting my time, as well as because I have opened myself to God the Giver of Life, to his love for me and for my Soul.
I have completely opened myself to God’s love for me, therefore neither I touch filth or evil, nor I fraternize with astral beings or with the forces of darkness.
I have chosen and accepted God’s light and love, therefore the results of my opening to God of Creative Power are sure and safe since their very beginning.

Translated by Łukasz Szczęk
[email protected]

Opublikowano: 11/08/2016
Autor: s_majda


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